Monday, November 7, 2022

Frayed Edges Of The Firesign Dept.

I got into the Firesign Theatre at Don't Crush That Dwarf, and liked them for all the wrong reasons. I'd read they were a comedy act, but they weren't making me laugh out loud like everyone on the internet is doing these days LOL!

They were unlike anything I'd ever heard, deep and mysterious and a little bit sinister, similar to the buzz I got from the EC Mad comics. They were full of references to unknown sources, references that the jokes depended on. If anything, this increased the attraction and upped the weirdness factor. I'd entered a whole new world of strange, as obsessively detailed as a Will Elder panel. Their first four albums remain endlessly replayable, with diminishing returns thereafter, but it's all good.

Having said that, here's some of their less good stuff to fill the cracks in your collection. Give Us A Break is a collection of short ads you'll want to listen to at least once, again and again! A Firesign Chat With Papoon is political satire - and we all know how powerfully mind-changing that is - from '72. No sleeve because some kind of promo release. Pink Hotel Burns Down is a ragbag archival set, with both Fabergé aggs and dust bunnies. And Stoned Live Radio is just that, four friggin' hours of stoned live radio.

This is for Michael Snorky Smith, who requested some Firesignage. Hit the search button for more!


  1. Should youse bums be desirous:

  2. Hit search button for more. All Firesign links dead. WTF.

    1. Tsk. Sudge manners.

      Pro Tip - if you want something from the crawlspace, try asking? WTF?

    2. Let's horse whip him!
      Anybody got a horse?

    3. Oh, Babs, you're such a babe. Whip me, please.

    4. In the true spirit of sadism, no.

    5. If anyone else wants any Antecedently FoamFeatured© Firesignage, they can ax. Joey LeVivre has bust the barrier on his learning curve.

    6. Babs, your denial is exquisite-te-te-te.

    7. FT3, you said Joey has bust, heh-heh-heh! The sweet sound of striking a chord.

  3. Anybody got TV or Not TV by Procter and Bergman?

    1. I have the detuned version as talked about here:

      (Always search th' IoF© first, then ask for a re-up. If it's not something available elsewhere - and most of it is - I'll be pleased to help.)

    2. The movie of the same name is good, too (YT has it). If I recall rightly, the godawful image and sound quality were part of the original package.

    3. The link, she does *nothing*! Quel fromage!

    4. It's outrageous how links die after just a couple of years! What can be done?

  4. Yes, your take on the band is rather similar to mine, Farq. The first four albums are great and then quality drops off. They meant nothing in the UK and a lot of people have missed out on some very funny material.
    I have a PDF called "The Firesign Theatre's Big Book of Plays" - which concentrates on the first four albums and has the scripts. If you want it, it can be yours.

    1. Thanks, Steve, but the book is already here!

    2. And now the big it is gone . . . Any chance of a reup (as the kids say)? Thanks.

    3. If Steve can help here, that would be super-groovy, as mine is on an external diskeroonie somewhere.

    4. Sure.
      Appointments this morning so I'll upload it later on.

    5. Here you go.

  5. thanks very much. i definitely need to go back to this. they went over my head at the time and i have always felt bad about it.

    could the mad comics will elder panels be animated with any of the latest ai apps?

    1. Elder always struck me as a monumental artist in the tradition of dem Italian guys what painted beaucoup of dudes posing around the Baby Jeezis. He's not good on action. Jack Davis could make a guy whiz right off the page and leap out the window.

    2. no one out creeps elder. i would still love to see his stuff animated. just having howdy dooit slowly walking towards you would be enough action.

    3. Or The Heep shuffling through the swamps ...

  6. I have a "Radio Free Oz" album cover, designed by SmithWorksGrafx (me) . How do I share it?

    1. - you don't need an account, follow the instructions, or get a ten year-old child to do it for you.

  7. A splendid read on one very interesting subject. Personally, I dig them right through their entire discography. The bride of firesign & give me immortality really satisfy a long time fan like me. & shoes for industry is my go-to listen for relaxation. Thanks for file.

  8. Replies
    1. If you - or anybody - can tell me what the hell Shakespeare's Lost Comedy is about, go right ahead. Been struggling with that one for years.

  9. Since the message don't seem to be getting through, it bears repeating. If you want something up-re'd, ask. Request. Beseech. Implore. Telling me the link is dead (WTF) ain't going to get our relationship past the frosty sideways glance stage. If it ain't available somewhere else (which it probably is, and at a higher tog rating) I'll be pleased to up-re for youse. Always remember - your Mom is watching you, yea, even from the Lofty Vault of the Afterlife, so make her proud of you.

  10. But I've come to love the frosty sideways glance.

  11. I made it all the way through Phil Austin's Roller Maidens From Outer Space (1974) and then it was over for me. But it was great listening, multi-layered. Years later...decades later, even....I'd drop a reference under my breath and discover a fellow traveler. "Park and lock it!" "chocolate malted falcons" "Communist Martyrs High School."

    1. I saw Proctor & Bergman once...opening for the Tubes, at...jeez, where was it....Foothill College, down in Los hour drive from where I lived. There's a poster:

  12. Here ya go. Link to the nonexistent first album / radio show.

  13. Y'see, I'd prefer that the art showed here. Link shmink.

    1. Read my lips: images don't show in the comments. Which is a damn shame, because yours is surprisingly terrific!

  14. FYI the "stoned live radio" material is just a small part of their radio show, the complete thing plus lots of other stuff is included on the Duke of Madness Motors supercompilation they came out with a few years ago.
