Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Someone Messed With Mrs. Myra Nussbaum's Rack! Dept.

Foam-O-Graph© - Flattening the Dunning-Kueger Curve since 1971!

Uh-oh! Some heedless customers have mis-filed nine albums in the racks at Mrs. Myra Nussbaum's Vinly Collectible's™ store in downtown Pork Bend, WIS.!

Can you identify them, subscribers? Simply name as many as you can in comments to win this week's Grand Prize! Don't state which rack they're in, just name artist, album! Could it be any easier?! Why, yes, I suppose it could, but then it wouldn't be as much fun! Or even any fun! Or even a game! What are you - a party-pooper?

Sayyy - why not put out dainty snacks, zesty beverages, invite gang for album-spotting tourney? Imagine pals' pallid, sunken faces glowing with wholesome enjoyment as they realise they've wasted entire life in record stores! Gee, is it ever swell!

Remember - albums stuffed in Myra's rack any old whichway! Upside-down, whatever!


  1. This week's Grand Prize is this Footlocker Of 100 Soldiers! Made of durable plastic, each with its own base! Footlocker contains Real Radium Isotope Atom Bomb, Bloodsoaked Triage Unit, Grave Markers, and Marching Band! ACTUAL SIZE!!

  2. Son of a gun. I finally got one and M. Requin is quicker...

    1. Sheer good timing, that's all. I'm usually late to the party.
      But...I could be wrong, although I'm pretty certain it's the Cars.

    2. Well, I got the Stone Roses and was pretty sure I'd seen the checkered flag one before...what's the Uluru one...Men at Work?!?

  3. A Fine Old English NoblemonFebruary 10, 2022 at 1:39 AM

    Mitski : Be The Cowboy

  4. Mitski | Stones Roses | Muse | The Cars | ...

    1. Nope. Clew: One is a comedy album, antecedently FoamFeatured™.

  5. Replies
    1. Nope!

      This is devilishly difficult. Clews: Comedy. Singer-songwriter. Roots. Jazz. Get those and you've only three left.

  6. No connection but this bruce Cockburn tune may raise a smile.

  7. Even with the clews I only got 2 that SteveShark has already spotted.

    1. I think I only got one right first. That's one more than I usually get.

  8. I don't expect this will be completed, ever. There's only one really obscure album here, but it's too difficult.

  9. A Fine Old English NoblemonFebruary 10, 2022 at 5:21 PM

    Syd Barrett : The Madcap Laughs?

    1. Oh, well played, sir! Three down! Remaining: Comedy. Singer-songwriter. Roots. Jazz. Hip hop. And terminally obscure.

  10. Replies
    1. Yes! It's no. And where would they fit in that handy cut out n' keep list of clews?

  11. So, being on a device where I can zoom in, it's definitely not Uluru. More like a red dirt road and rock?

    It looks familiar, but Farq's clews make it worse...can't see what could fit here...

  12. Mmm I detect Arthur Lee??? (3rd from left and back 2??)

  13. The Tubes??? But not sure how it fits the clews!!!??

  14. Replies
    1. The Roses are already ID'd, and The Cars already ruled out, already!

  15. I hates to see youse bums strugglin' wit' dis. Here's a cheat, should youse be desirous: grab the Foam-O-Graph with your cursor, and slide it onto your desktop - not your desk - and then you can open it up as a .gif file, and examine, enlarge, each frame at your leisure.
