Friday, August 30, 2024

Susanna Hoffs Refuses To Act As Clickbait For Obscure One-Shot Sixties Albums Dept.

Susanna Hoffs [above - Ed.] is a svelte n' sultry sixty-five years young, and quite the GILF. When we reached out for permission to use a picture of her in her 'eighties pomp to entice readers to a piece about a couple of psych-pop-rock bands from the 'sixties who only released one album, she demurred.

"It's just not appropriate, Farq," she breathed from her luxurious Pismo Beach hideaway. "Uh - what albums we talking about?"

When I mentioned Wings, she immediately responded "The band on Dunhill? With Oz Bach? That's a great album!" Sensing she could change her mind, I told her the other was Two Suns Worth, by Morning Glory. "Oh! Big fan of their work!" she enthused. "Matt [Sweet - Ed.] and me were considering covering Jelly Gas Flame." Greatly encouraged, I pressed on with all possible dispatch. "So Suzy, we can use the picture? Otherwise it's just the album covers, and that gets pretty boring." The line went quiet for a while as she considered her response, the sound of seagulls in the background. "Yeah," she said, her voice a husky come-hither invitation to love, "it's still no. N-FUCKING-O!" 

I waxed eloquent for a good fifteen minutes, persuasively re-contextualising my request, before realising the line was dead. Ever eager to comply with the wishes of self-important so-called [soi-disant - Ed.] "celebrities", no matter how eccentric and unreasonable and batshit crazy they might be, we reluctantly honor her refusal, wishing her well, and here's the album covers instead. Both these albums are from '68, because of course they are, and both feature the kind of material, performance and production you just don't hear any more (fight me). Also: groovy chick vocalists.

Wings are pedigree. Go here for personnel, history etc.

Morning Glory
are rockier, evoking the better-known Bay Area bands, with the surprise appearance of JJ Cale in the production booth. And yes, you need Jelly Gas Flame in your life.


This post curated by authority of the Rosicrucian Waffle Lodge, Pork Bend, ND


  1. Since many music blogs have copied th' IoF©'s trailblazing stratagem of asking commenters for favorite whatevers to "qualify" for the download, I'm changing tack. To get the download, you ax me a question. If I don't know the answer, you win!

  2. Philip Donnelly played on more than 300 Albums can you name 3 without research?

    1. Okay - without research:
      Dietrich Fischer Dieskau - Der Lindenbaum Die Winterreise
      R Dean Taylor - Indiana Wants Me
      Slade - Mama Weer All Crazee Now

    2. Thanks I don't have time to verify the above! So lets call it a draw.

    3. I'm kidding. He probably isn't on these at all.

    4. Good candidate for a decent Compilation considering A he is an overlooked major player and B so many invited him to either tour or record with them.


    6. I like the idea of Dietrich Fischer Dieskau being the vocalist on Indiana Wants Me.

  3. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

    1. Swallows are capable of reaching speeds of 20-30 mph. Some species can fly even faster, with the common swift reaching speeds of up to 70 mph. However, swallows carrying coconuts to the tropics fly much slower.


  4. Well, it's been almost 24hr, so I think it's safe to assume these two questions were the only ones left on the internet. As I've answered them both we shall move on. Please do try to source these albums elsewhere, as they're both worthy of your time and won't disappoint!

    The mgt.

  5. How many fingers am I holding up? Also, where did the universe come from?!? (i.e. there's a lot of "stuff" here emanating from the "big bang" but "where" was it "before" that -- quotes denoting that concepts like "where" and "before" are relative to the artifacts of space & time which may also be products of the singularity but the singularity must have been "somewhere" and all that vast energy and matter must have come from "someplace"?)

    1. To answer your second question first (which is larffably easy a child of five ectect); you are presupposing - actually creating - linear time, because it allows human consciousness to get their shit in order and arrange zoom meetings for next Tuesday and so on but has no reality in itself. Linear time necessitates causality, one damn thing after another, hence there must be something before the Big Bang to cause it and oh dear what can it possibly be. Even Frank Zappa (I don't know why I say "even", he was a pretty wise dude in many ways) said that everything is happening at once, and time isn't linear at all. He also skewered the calendar ( a fine piece of black magic). So all this headscratching about duh where did all this shit come from? is based on a solecism. Buddha said - but who gives a shit about what he said.

      But your first question has me frankly stumped. My best guess would be 42. My second up to 11. But as these are guesses I concede victory to House MrDave and will loadup these swell albums shirley. Thank you for your participation at this time.

  6. Stealth Link© disguised as perfectly normal link:

  7. Thanx Farq!! Should I change my name to "Surrey Steve" as this is where I am?? ... at least this month!!

    1. Surrey! Home to stockbrokers, superannuated rock stars, sexagenarian sex-pots, retired gangsters and their wags, football players and their wags, TV celebrities, used-car salesmen, race-horse owners, and ... Songkhla Steve!
