Friday, August 23, 2024

Harvester = More Harvest

Spot the diff?

Fifty minutes, fifty years on [fifty-two - Ed.]. This sequencing, including the fantastic contemporary recordings left off the original, works well, and the orchestrated songs no longer come on too strong, sounding more comfortable in an extended setting. No filler, and no "bonus tracks" vibe.

Strange how that loping beat of Out On The Weekend sounded so revolutionary, so distinctive back then. The album's inevitably dropped a rung or two in critical estimation, what with the (yawn) "problematic" lyric of A Man Needs A Maid, and the massive commercial success that critics resent, but it's timelessly wonderful, all of it.


  1. Thank you very much! - D in California

    1. You're very welcome! And at a bitrate lower than a snake's belly, too!

  2. Thanks for this..much appreciated

  3. So much love for this since it first was released.Looking forward to how this sounds.Thanks Farq... hows the retirement going :)

    1. I'll put up stuff if I get the itch, but the whole blogger thing ain't much fun. I've had posts disappeared, dates changed, and I have to log back in every time I want to add a comment. I blame Sundar Pichai personally. He's got nothing to do except crawl into people's blogs and weasel around. It's a disgrace.

  4. Nitpicky Boy says "War Song" was recorded after the album but there's an outtake of "See The Sky About To Rain" that could fit somewhere.

    1. You've forgotten that the release of Harvester was delayed by four months to include this track - typical Neil, right? Please link the outtake you mention, and I'll smooth it in with a butter knife.

    2. Hmm... my initial purchase of Harvest was def lacking War Song (his ode to McGovern's campaign, that the then only rock station in NO banned because the owner was a fat, racist, slob and also a Repub). I was only able to acquire a copy of that song back in the early 2000s, when Young started another of those "revolutionary" web sites, on which he promised to ultimately have on it every song he ever recorded, then promptly forgot about it after the first batch was posted. Welcome back, btw!

    3. ... and welcome back, Mr Mac! If you still have that rare copy of Harvest without War Song it'll sell for big $$$$$$$$ on ebay ...

    4. That bitch, Katrina, took it. And, ironically, I'm posting this on the anniversary of it.

  5. I Love the way you manipulate these records. I keep them as "special treats" of each of the original recordings ("FMFoam Ed."). Awww. Many Thanks for Sharing.

    1. Well bless you, Nicolobo. Although they replace the originals for me, I don't expect them to for anyone else. If there's any you missed, I'll be pleased to make them available through the magic of the internet.
