Friday, January 24, 2025

Crawlspace Collectables Dept. - Cross & Ross


The cover and title it deserves.


England, 1972. In the rain. Keith Cross and Peter Ross wanted out. "A new start, somewhere in the sun." Somewhere turned out to be Nassau, in the Bahamas. "Chris Blackwell was thinking of setting up a studio there, so he flew us all out to test the vibe." At Compass Point, the gray U.K. seemed a world away, and the sessions effortlessly produced a blissful, one-of-a-kind album.

Maybe predictably, the summery, airy feel didn't connect with rain-soaked Brits,  and Blackwell was forced to offload the project to Decca, who repackaged and retitled the album in a hope to catch the wave of prog gloom. "We went from Hawaiian shirts to greatcoats, for nothing. The press department concocted this story about us falling out, because Brits love that, but we could do nothing about the music, which nobody understood. Still don't."

So here it is, as it should have been, direct from the shores of Th' Isle O' Foam© to you, wherever you are. Surf's up.


These guys were pissed off. With each other, with the music business, with everything. How they managed to cut such a sublime album is beyond understanding. But they crippled it with a typically Brit defeatist tile, Bored Civilians, and used a cover design that might have perfectly expressed their own disaffection and the state of the U.K. at the time, but only served to depress the shit out of everyone who saw it [left - Ed.]. It also grievously misrepresents the music, which is some of the most uplifting, blissed-out, melodic, West Coast rock the U.K. ever produced. They snatched defeat from the mouth of victory with this one, the daft buggers.

Three worthwhile extra tracks, fifty-six minutes of heaven. 






From a few years back. If you missed it then, don't now!


  1. Dive in ...


  2. Or rather Bored Civilians - posted prior to download.

  3. Thanks for this FT3. I've been a fan of Keith's contributions to the T2 stuff for a few years. I have this recording as well, but never spent much time with it. So, I'll give another listen.

  4. This is lovely stuff. Of interest to nerds like my good self is that Dee Murray of Elton John fame plays on the album as do Nick Lowe (yes, him), Steve Chapman two stints drummer with Poco and Jimmy Hastings of Caravan and Soft Machine credits.

  5. I finally got around to doing a cover for it, so made up the story. The original cover (FoamFeatured antecedently) is a great shot, but totally unrepresentative of the music. I can't think offhand of another UK album that achieves the same Pacific tidal bliss.

  6. Bonus track time!

    Because the freakin' reissue could't manage to put the third non-album song they did (released as a B-side) on it, to - you know - have the complete works, all freakin' 12 songs - in one place. *headshake*

    So here it is, vinyl-sourced and a little crackly'n'poppy, but nice to have either way.

    1. Amazing! Thanks very much, OBG.

      I'll be posting less, taking a break, so wanted to leave you with something nicer to look at "above the fold" than Phyllis Diller.

      I'll try to attend to re-up requests in a timely and transparent fashion (but make 'em in the comments to what you want, not here!)

    2. I thought you were going to feed the goats and throw some tomatoes.
      Now, I'm starting to think that you're remixing Stones fully finished outtakes.

    3. That *is* a very nice image to leave the island unattended on. Very paradisiac and Isle of Foam-ish.

      Have a good break.

  7. This is why I visit here daily, the IoF© obscurity. Sometimes my cup of tea, sometimes not; always interesting.

    Bravo, Good Sir!

  8. Enjoy your break but promise not to go all Robinson Crusoe on us Farq.

  9. Make a crack about driving the zamboni up Diller's privates, and now the place goes on hiatus.........
    Listened to this offering this morning. Damn nice. Thanks, Farq.

  10. pmac's heading out for España, Farq's laying low, and I'm late to the party per usual...if Farq's gone all walkabout on us, well, we shall wait. As long as he doesn't insult King Maha Vajiralongkorn or his semi-complicated array of consorts, he oughta be good and our fearless guide will return.

    I feel compelled to note that his majesty's official title, Rama X, conjures up for me visions of the Edsel's jamming with JD & Exene...where Barry Mann might fit in this meshugas is well above my pay grade. I can only hope you swell and exalted Four or Five Guys(tm)(r)(c) might know...

  11. This is but another 4/5 slice of trials and tribulations pie. Farq has lots of method to his madness. And so he likes to use the bucket of cold water like a punch line in a Marx Brothers joke. It is an involuntary way to insure individual participation and NOT lose any of the attendance list to midterm/semester exams...or, detention. Maybe, it is a scary thing to have the confidence in let us go. As if Spain is another planet or even different in some way... he must come to the same realization that he enforces upon us. So, my hunch is that he is walking around somewhere that he considers pure... with no phones to ring...nothing to log mirrors to reflect and he is trying to tiptoe across the surface without making ripples or tearing the rice paper. It's a fairly formal take on a very old truth:
    Happiness is a personal responsibility that can only be found where you stand! Child is father to the man...and, so on and so forth.
    Shane! COME BACK!!! Shaaaaaane!!!

  12. So, which story did he fabricate?
    I thought it was about Brits not liking rain!
    Or, that all roads don't lead to Scotland...
    Confused, in Brighton!
    Who am I and where is my car?

  13. .......and here I thought that Farq's brain worked in overdrive all of the time and that he liked it that way. We've managed to drive him over the edge after all.
    Have a good break, Farq.

  14. Inspired in equal parts by Kwai Chang's musings above, the pile of papers I need to grade and was hoping to avoid by coming here, and Farq Break...

    At what point does this interregnum become...

    A. The Strange Situation Experiment
    B. The Schrödinger's Cat Experiment
    C. The 14-year-old Has 2 Hurricanes Nonchalantly Tries 2 Stand Up Experiment
    D. The Sea Island Experiment
    E. Where "the the old is dying & the new cannot be born"

    No peeking at your neighbors paper; please cite your sources.

    1. He's serving 7 days for interfering with a hog badger. [Arctonyx collaris - ed.]

    2. He's a restauranteur...
      He prefers his food on remand!

    3. just steer clear of any honey badgers

    4. For all we know... this is just a dream.
      Farq, has done more for the internet paradigm...than any dream ever could. This interregnum is necessary because everything is cyclic. We are fortunate that Farq is a world traveler and obviously this condition might be his curse. My mind is fairly lazy. I don't think anyone should leave the village or cancel their subscription. It's just that they have really strong coffee where he lives. Regardless, he's a great publican, landlord, operator...
      This is Farq's pub...we don't really need a snug.

    5. Irish Stew in the name of the law!

  15. Guess this is a good place to drop this:

  16. Farq,
    The 4/5 of Foam troops are now in a holding pattern of complete harmony.
    This means that we are collectively centered in the mind of the diver. This should provide a total clarity for you to refresh yourself.

  17. I'm sure Peter Ross would've been happy to fly to Nassau,alas of course it's not true.
    I shall send him a link to your jaspers which I'm sure he shall enjoy.

    1. I hope he reads the comments, where I admit the "story" is so much hooey. And I hope he likes the cover.

  18. Nice to see the mythic Kwai Chang in the comments - hope he's okay.

  19. Having had a ‘challenging’ year so far, I look forward to listening to this one to cheer me up, but compared to what’s happening in the rest of the world, my problems are nothing. Thanks, and thanks for keeping the internet a place worth visiting occasionally.

    1. This is a beautiful album, Bambi. GAWJUSS. Hope it works for you.

    2. Thanks, played it yesterday and again today. Great to find a lost classic actually worth playing more that once, gotta be a keeper. Goes for big money on Discogs.
