Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Aloha, Already!

Feeble fistbumps and arthritic high fives to all th' Four Or Five Guys© what made this place so copacetic over the years with comments and contributions an' stuff. It was only ever about that.

This link has lots of beautiful, helpful shit about what Aloha means, should youse bums be desirous of acquirin'. And you might find time for a slight return to the very first post at th' IoF© for more elucidatory exegesis.

This post, this place, made fungible thru th' continued participation of th' Four Or Five Guys©. If you're ever floating down the Mekong River, look out for th' House O' Foam©, where welcome is assured!


  1. This is a nice island to land on once in a while, innit?

  2. You can't go! (but if ya gotta, you gotta) BigO is closing too. I have been trying to hold on to my sanity with these sites. But perhaps you are trying to hold on to yours too. So best of luck to you Farq in whatever you do. Thank you for the fresh air while it lasted.

    1. No new posts means just that. Somebody might leave something right here you'd enjoy - like this - Thirty Minutes Beyond The Blue Horizon:

    2. Enjoying this one right now...

    3. Did I simply miss a page for it? Or were you quietly slipping this one in as a sonic farewell as you leave us to return to your own Lost Horizon?

      This is great stuff! I love how it drifts between musical genres. Also loved that you worked in Nez for the title track.

    4. There was a page for it, but it got lost - along with a couple of others - in a freak internet landslide cased by my own clumsiness. Another sign I should be "spending more time with the family". I improved my editing skills since "Over Wonderland", so it's a smoother listen, and there is a unifying theme, not altogether personal, of the search for a mythical paradise on Earth, represented by exotic sounds, the dream Hawaii (unlike the real one), inhabited by the dream babe (Dorothy Lamour - she could sing, too!). What was Fabulous False Memory Foam Island© if not this unreal place, inhabited by fantastic creatures? A place where throwaway pop culture - mostly American, mostly West Coast - is celebrated in the "light that never dies", the eternal moment. As the quote from Lost Horizon (a great book!) has it, I hope we all find our Shangri La, or at least that our lives can be made happier by a dream of it.

    5. It really was some fantastic editing work, and an enjoyable listen. The 30 minutes series might be the best of all the unique creations here on the IoF.

      Hopefully all the 4/5 regulars are still popping by here occasionally. I'm thinking that maybe I should step up and be the one to leave something right here from time to time that you'd enjoy - or at least leave the link to wherever I do leave it. I'll have to see what I can dig up...

    6. Oh sure, we're all still here - most of us. A "comment section" is only Blogger's name for this.

  3. Let's hope you're like Terry Funk (RIP) and have as many retirements and un-retirements in you as him.

    Here's a wave...(make it a La Ola)...

  4. See ya! Thanks for creating such a special foamy space. I’ll miss all of the 4or5 guys, the music, banter and fantasmagorical artwork. It must take a lot of effort to curate such a site and come up with ‘new’ content, and I can understand why some sites only have a few posts every month.

    Who can forget the day Tom Cruise arrived on the island to film his new tv show Am I Out Of My Fucking Mind?! Tom brought along his dangling testi chum too. Or the time Zsa Zsa Gabor asked the ‘big question’ from her bath tub, or when Sir David Attenborough, revealed his love of the Small Faces and decision to get stoned out of his mind after he realised we’ve fucked the planet, and all the elephants are dying or something.

    Anyone else remember the stealth links, oh what fun, I had an advantage because I only interact with the internet through a massive computer monitor, must’ve been hellish on a phone, oh how I laughed. What about the only time DuMorgenstern Phloentgen-Basilica turned up, resulting in my computer monitor getting cappuccino spilt all over it. Anyway as I was saying. Oh yeah, it’s not all positive btw, on at least three occasions I’ve won an esoteric prize - some crap Farq had lying around - and guess what? yeah you guessed right, none of these prizes turned up.

    Right I’m off to investigate some conspiracy sites, and listen to Queens Greatest Hits volume one, the most essential album of all time…probably.

    1. There's an unfortunately inescapable reason for quitting while the quitting is good - my keyboard/app/blogger skills are those of a septuagenarian - shaky, slow, and often confused. The many separate operations of sourcing material, packaging it, coming up with a slightly different way of presenting it, and shovelling it up onto an internet, all the while dealing with the frisky blogger interface (and some occasional frisky commenters), were getting to be a pain in the buttal area. Another consideration is that over 99.999 per cent of the world's greatest music is already right here - I was starting to repeat material, or cover acts I didn't much care for. It was never the time - I always enjoyed spending time here, because I am blessed with the gift of making myself laugh (well, snort). And while I think forming real friendships in the context of a music blog may be just a nice idea, the varied personalities of the many 4/5g© have always made interaction vivid and enjoyable, and as close to friendship as the internet allows.

      I'd like to apologise for the late delivery of prizes to those who won them - keep an eye out for a hovering Foam-Drone™ Delivery Bot over [LOVELY YOUR AREA]!

      And if you care to add a link to your latest discovery here, please do just that.

    2. Being possibly one of the frisky commenters (ahem..), I can definitely confirm though that your skills with visual design programs are NOT that of a septuagenarian. Your cover art always kicked lots of butts...

    3. Charter 4 or Five Juvenile Delinquent OBG is responsible for the most popular (and by some distance) contributor's piece - Lowell George's Blue Plate Special, the definitive Lowell comp, and a massive missed opportunity for the music business (as are some other curatorial initiatives exclusively deliverable by th' IoF©, but, you know, fuck 'em).

      As to my artwork, I have the advantage of no client.

    4. LG's Blue Plate is no longer a-way-label ... unfortunately.

    5. You mean to say that George got more downloads than (Joe) Frank?!?! Impossible!

    6. On my daily walks I occasionally listen to Joe Frank thanks to this site and often laugh out loud, making me look rather un-hinged, but who gives a fuck what people think of me anyway.

    7. When you get high, go Lowell:

  5. whut'th'whut?? say it ain't so ...

  6. I think you forgot to pay the Isle's utility bills before you left on vacation; things are starting to get quite ripe and stinky around here (and by "things" I mean the other 3 or 4 guys). Hope your having a lovely time, wish we were there.

    1. Ooops, I didn't realize this was a permanent vacation ... I hope you do decide to add the occasional new post once in a blue moon to keep the coals burning here

    2. MrDave, swing by my stall at the eel market here. For all your eel needs!

  7. Sad. I'll miss the place, not just for the music, but also for the chat which is indeed laugh out loud, sometimes.

    I guess this might not be the best time to mention that I haven't yet received my trading card, let alone the oiled nubians bonus feature.

    1. Put yer reading glasses on, gwampy, and take a hinge at the sidebar over to the right >>>> you're ninth down in the trading cards - no indication of worth, you can't see what element you're moving in blogger, so they land where they land.

    2. Wowser. Glad I remembered to put a clean nappy/diaper on.

  8. My misfortune was to only wander into this fine establishment far too recently and and in doing so missing much of the fun. In the words of the worlds most intelligent creatures before they departed the planet. "Thanks for all the fish".....

  9. Thanks for creating several kinds of fun here. I won't miss the stealth links, though.....

    1. Hah! One of the many groundbreaking features premiered here on th' IoF©!

    2. I was visiting another blog site, and one of the comments was "ZAPPA - Thirty Minutes Chez Frank (Link) - Strange website to say the least." with links directly to IoF© page.
      Well I wish more websites were this strange.

    3. "Strange"? Fine by me. It was always intended for those already on the bus who think the view outside is too strange to be true..

  10. Sorry to see it end. Enjoyed the ride! It was real

  11. You're leaving again? Well, I hope you see the error of your ways and get back soon!--Mom

    1. Nobody's going anywhere. "Wake up where you are" as The Strawberry Alarm Clock so cogently put it on their "we're still here" album :

      (note number of comments)

  12. Oh, sorry to see the demise of the IofF!!! But, didn't it happen once before?? I'm about to change my Nom de Plume to "Saigon Steve" !!! ... for a few days anyway!!

    1. I took a well-earned break, transparently advertised as such. Then I resumed at a slower pace, again as advertised. Now I'm quitting. I genuinely can't think of anything I want to post, maybe some odds and sods I never got around to, but in terms of the overall mission here, my work is done. And as I look back at what's been achieved here - something with the social significance of a sandwich - I feel pride commingled with humility and gratitude. I think we all experienced our own ballet here tonight. A ballet of emotions ... and feelings.

    2. I wholeheartedly agree!! Me?? I've become a digital nomad in SE Asia!! Will miss your posts- both the music and humour!!! Today I AM Saigon Steve - arrived last night!!!

  13. Aloha from Memphis, Farq!
    So much good stuff on those shores...listening to Rain Parade, now. Thank you, sir. Always a good decision to peruse this page. Never bored on this island. Here's my message in a bottle (straight outta North Mississippi):

    1. .wav files. How about some information? Like, artist/album/date? Is it you? Good songs, quality vox. Thanks!

    2. It's me, yes. I included info and lyrics in the text files. Releasing it tomorrow via Bandcamp. Thank you for listening! Cheers.

    3. Well, hell, I get to my encampment in the Velvet Ditch -- I hope Smash gets the reference -- and come to this comment thread to mourn the closure of a favorite place to spend my bandwidth and get something local served up. Well, wow! And thanks for the laughs & good music, Professor Throckmorton!

  14. How sad to return from my own break from the interwebs only to find that the IoF is closing up shop. We'll miss you, Farq!

  15. Many thanks Farq for making some days a better place( Covid days of isolation etc) and also the community of like minded appreciators of similar guilty pleasures.Nothing is permanent and each time I land here it is special for that truism. Lots of laughs and pearls of wisdom to soak up and am now rambling so a sign off from me also.

  16. There was an old boy named Throckmorton
    Who induced, in himself, mirthful snortin’
    With taste unsurpassed
    He had class, out the ass
    And and an Island O’ Foam, for cavortin’

    1. Bit heavy on the "ands" in that last line. It's been a blast, and and I'm stuttering again, as I tear up. I'll go listen to Hey Jude by The Templeton Twins, to calm myself.

  17. Sad to see another good blog throwing in the towel, but you posted some cool stuff over the years and generated plenty of discussion, well done Sir!
    Having said that, does anyone what happened with Last post was 14 June and zilch after that...
    Steve hasn't replied to any mails which is a bit worrying to be honest...

    1. Steve​ is MIA, hasn't replied to my emails either. There were serious health issues in his family and he may be taking care of the situation.

    2. Steve if you read this I hope that you and yours are fit and hakii

  18. I'll continue to check back because nothing is forever. This site has been a daily visit for me, although I didn't comment much. But I have music that was unknown to me, music that I will enjoy forever. Thanks.

    1. It's always been a pleasure to see your icon in the comments. I wish now I'd read 'em.

  19. Thank you for all the music & screed. Enjoy your future & if you hear anything amazing, do let us know. Timbar

  20. Awwww jeez, not again! Was it something I said?

  21. I'm assumin' that Kreeme' will be your retirement guide....

  22. Adiós amigo. Echaremos de menos tu blog y tu ingenio.

  23. Late to the party, due to becoming a great-grandmother last Friday, and there's another Babs, on the planet!

    Thich Nhat Hanh on the universal truth of Impermanence:
    “Impermanence does not necessarily lead to suffering. What makes us suffer is wanting things to be permanent when they are not.”
    Still, I'm gonna miss you...

    Of all the websites I visit daily, this was my favorite. Bless you, Farquhar Throckmorton III.

    1. I was hoping your absinthe was to be explained by something happy, Babs, and I can't offhand think of any news happier than this - the world needs more Babs's!

      You have in every way been Tonto to my Sherlock Holmes here, and do always remember I am up for adoption.

      I'll keep an eye on the Isle, responding to re-up requests if the mood takes me, and maybe dropping the occasional link (in these comments).

    2. Here's the official release of 'Chrome Dreams' in 24bit/96kHz, from everybody's favorite Uncle.!ZGRlAQR2ZJMxA2MxZGp1MwN1ZmWxMzVknKc0I3MBJRcjJGR5LD==

      PW: Babs (case-sensitive)

    3. See? This is how you be here now. Thanks, Babs! I'll feed it into my bitrate shredder ...

    4. Congrats Babs! That's amazing; the world definitely needs more Babs!

    5. Congratulations Babs, some wonderful cheering news as we go our separate ways. Him Sherlock Holmes, you Tonto, an image that I will never get out of my head. Thanks so much for the jazz education, you have managed to point me down a route that I will continue to follow and it is helping me on my way following the loss of my wife last year.

      Farq, it's been great not knowing you, and as others have said, the IOF has been my first port of call each day. There is so much great music out there that I will continue to explore. It will never be quite the same without the general irreverence found on your shores but life goes on.

      All the best in your retirement and I'm sure we can all club together to get you a handsome clock for your mantelpiece to go with your pipe and tartan slippers.


    7. Will miss some, well, most of you. The rumor that Aleister Crowley uttered, "I am perplexed" on his deathbed isn't true, but I am perplexed. Missing you already but glad we can keep in touch. - King of California

  24. Say it ain't so, Joe! This is my go-to blog for yucks, guffaws and, as I believe the young people say, LoLs. Not to mention the great writing. I feel you should reconsider this rash decision.

    1. Thanks, Stuart. There's been well over a thousand posts here (I've culled a good few - mostly mine). Your average lazyass music blogger (not long-form real writers like you) may put up a post a week, with little in the way of original content, about fifty a year. So there's twenty years of posts here in Blogger Standard Time. Or about 300,000 words (about five novels). Say there's an average of two albums featured per post, plus (say) three in the comments - sounds a lot but it's about right - so a total of five thousand albums, more or less. I'm not kidding when I say I can't think of anything else I want to write a piece about that doesn't re-fry old beans. I'm done, dude! Aloha is not goodbye and farewell. I won't be posting any new posts (but everything's "new" here anyway - 2019 is like yesterday) but we'll see where the comments take us, both here and in crawlspace posts. It's not the way yer average music blog chooses to wind down, but th' IoF© has never been average for normals. It'll still be here, I'll still be here.

  25. Cheers Farq, and thanks for all the fish!

    I'm ransacking the place before it sinks forever beneath the waves.

    Can anybody share the Miles Davis Complete Singles:

    Don't know how I missed it first time round.

    Thanks all.

    1. I don't have that any more, but maybe somebody else?

    2. Here you go, in its original IoF bitrate for the lazy freeloadin' bum (that's you):

      p.s. don't be scared off by the filename

  26. Will you be accepting the occasional screed from Th' Four Or Five Guys©, Farquhar?
    Just wondering...

  27. Four rare early (first album-ish) Steely Dan demos (Any World, Running Child, Megashine City, Come Back Baby) with text file and jpg.

    1. Thanks for these Farq, always interesting hearing unreleased Dan stuff.

    2. You're welcome! They're are only part of the treasure trove that Citizen Dan could have been, had they not been such a lazy, mean-minded couple of slobs. Like this, the best album they never released, and a sight more enjoyable than some they did:

    3. I have only just found out that Flo & Eddie (The Turtles), had been singers on very early Steely Dan demos. Jeff "Skunk' Baxter said their vocals on the demos got Dan their record deal.

  28. Django mega-post

    Here’s The Intégrale Django Reinhardt, volumes 1–20, which is 40 CDs, from those fine folks at Frémeaux & Associés. If you’re a Django fan download this, you won’t be sorry, as this is as comprehensive it gets. The file is just over 4 GBs, but the link goes to MEGA for a speedy download.

    Profitez de mes amis!

    1. Gawrsh!!!

      ("Profitez-en!" as French market traders put it, trying to offload cheese that does not look like a sidewalk oyster and stink like Cher's thong.)

    2. That Integrale set is amazing. And, for the record, I like cheese that smells like Cher's thong. Now, like Sonny's is another question......

    3. pmac, I want th' Four Or Five Guys© to understand that it's ABSOLUTELY YOUR FAULT that there will be no new posts on th' IoF©. For YEARS I kept a candle burning in the window of my gold-plated Airstream, nurturing a hope that you'd return to our shores. But the fat lady had hardly finished singing when you DECIDE TO SHOW UP. Well, fella, it's TOO LATE and it's ALL YOUR FAULT. How are things in Guatemala?

    4. Which of us is Jerry?

    5. Neither of you two are Jerry. This is Jerry...

      Jack Kerouac's cat's name was Tyler.
      From "Big Sur"
      "Ordinarily the death of a cat means little to most men, a lot to fewer men, but to me, and that cat, it was exactly and no lie and sincerely like the death of my little brother"

    6. JKC (and maybe his real name is Tyler) was a valuable and prolific 4/5g© here until some keen-eyed internaut pointed out that all of his pieces were direct lifts from other websites. He'd edited out references to the authors' personal lives or changed them into his own. Everything he contributed - about ten or so long pieces which I'd illustrated somehow, with original work or researched. He got a lot of praise and respect - not least from me - until he was busted. He deleted his junk email account. He's left comments since under other names, and may be reading this. Odd and unnecessary behavior.

  29. Finally had enough of all this blog-crap Faq? Well, that’s certainly understandable. I gotta say, you’re being mighty gentle, kind and friendly about it all. Another blerg I follow called Big O/ROIO abruptly closed up shop recently with a page basically saying ‘Hello, we’re closed, thanks, goodbye.’ Like here, one of the most enjoyable aspects of Big O was the comment section. While contributors around this dump tend to be more creative and cordial, over at BigO, the culture was to take those generally accepted comment norms and turn them on their head, constantly going on about the genital sizes, large our small, of the members of whatever performers whose work was posted, the commenter’s personal orientation (gay, straight, LGBTQRXYZ whatever), preferred perverted sexual activities and so on. While they didn’t really attack each other, the general tone was to be as crude, provocative and politically incorrect as possible. If you came to it without a thin reactionary skin, it actually was a breath of fresh aire.

    It’ll be interesting to see how this place evolves; will it just shut down after a while or stumble along fueled more by the contributors than posts by our fearless leader/blog owner. There's a place I only recently became aware of called OLDROCKERBR that is the remnant of a blog that closed down long ago but kept acoupla chat boxes running, one for posts and another for requests, comments and thank yous. I get the feeling if False Memory Foam does continue, it probably won’t end up quite that straight forward. Whatever happens, I appreciate the opportunity to say thank you for bothering to start it up and keep it afloat. I can imagine the time and trouble involved and how after years of it taking up time and energy getting to the point where you just wanna drop and bail. I also appreciate being able to thank everyone who always made this a place for good mewsick, a guaranteed good read and an interesting place to check out. I rekkin’ it’ll stay on my list until it goes dark or I get one of them ‘lifes’ people keep telling me I need to get.

    1. Thanks, rev.B. Another blog that froze its many contributors/commenters out in the cold without a word was Wilard's Wormholes. I'd followed him since the very early Never Get Out Of The Boat days, when he didn't care about bitrate quality and "didn't do covers" (!), nor much enter into dialog with commenters ("I'm not a people person") and although I didn't do much downloading it was always worth a visit, there was some sense of community. He just abruptly shut everything down. Th' IoF© is on a much smaller scale, deliberately obscure, difficult to find and search, yet it's had near one and a quarter million visits, and I didn't want to piss anybody off if they were sorry to see it cease operations. Which it hasn't, quite, yet. I doubt anyone has read everything, and the gags and music are still relatively fresh, so punching that random button will be an undemanding way to pass the time, should youse bums be desirous. I'll respond to comments, especially here, and I'll be uploading the last two Shoes albums shortly, shirley.

    2. I was actually more familiar with NGOoTB way back when but did check in w/ WW now and then. There are a lot of people still smarting over that freeze out. It's all I can do to keep up with the current stuff around here, so I can imagine there's years of material I've yet to read/listen to. Hoping you might consider just sitting back and letting the doo-dads and wak-a-doodles 'round here do their thing. You've gathered quite a collection. Might be fun to see what kinda oddball scribble-n-toonful strains they come up with. Might keep 'em off the streets in any case...

    3. The comments about Willard fired up a sleeping synapse: that when he closed up shop he posted a pdf with links to everything that had been hosted in the Wormhole. I can't guess how long ago that was and I was starting to doubt that memory, but I just found that pdf. "Bride of Readers Links" 438 pages. A lot of Zippyshare links there, useless now. but also a lot of contributors' names, some of which are registered 4/5gs.

    4. Just as an aside: That's an overly generous interpretation of Big O's board members and their, uh, contributions. Not to mention that Big O's feature articles often where deep state conspiracy theory drivel (911 as an inside job etc.). Unlike this place, there you really only could go for the music...

    5. Agreed on both fronts. The comments could be funny if you were in the right mood. I tried to read a few of the screeds but didn't get very far in before thowing up my hands and moving on. After a while I did tend to ignore both and grab what music interested me.

    6. It no doubt had a bunch of interesting stuff, and even if I surfed by much less frequently in the last years, the sudden death of blogs of interests are always bad news...

    7. Chomsky and Edward Said were BigO's Gods.

      The comments...obscene, repetitive to the point of cult/in-group humour, occasionally hilarious. I never found out what prompted the shut-down.

  30. I am getting unreasonably excited about the new Stones album. Love the title (perfect!), love the retro seventies sleeve art, love the low key and fun pre-publicity ...

    1. That teaser was fun, but I haven't seen any sleeve art yet...

    2. Hackney Diamonds already has a wiki page, featuring thumbnail album art.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I'll be dipped in dipshit, missed that completely! And it even has the tracklist!!
      Here more artwork and that 18 second clip:

    5. That tiny sample sounds like the best thing I've heard all year.

  31. Willard, he was probably the first to start Deluxe Editions of albums! In 1982 XTC released English Settlement, a brilliant album which was very well received in the Netherlands, until we found out that the Dutch version was a single disc (with several tracks missing of course) instead of the UK double! I had the Ball And Chain 12 inch which had great non album B sides and played it a lot. Despite several rereleases over the years, the number of tracks remained the same as on the original album: 15... Earlier this year I found a Japanese CD version on a fleamarket in Nonthaburi and bought it immediately, glad to finally have a physical cd. With Willard in mind I thought making a Deluxe Edition of English Settlement should be fun and did so accordingly, adding another 15 tracks of assorted B-sides, live tracks, radio sessions, and demos + an interview with Alan Partridge looking back on this album 30 years later...

    1. Thanks Koen, one of their best albums just got better.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I haven't listened to English Settlement in too a long time, so this is a perfect excuse. 'Twas always a favorite. Thx art!

    4. Sometimes a good excuse is all you need ;-)
      The included PDF has all cover art, interview, details, & more, I tend to be a nerd about providing such info...

    5. Hi everyone - would a re-up be possible? Thanks a ton for keeping this circle alive!

    6. This is a link left by a commenter, which I am not able to re-up. Head on over to

      - and maybe you can catch art58koen over there!

    7. Still following here Farq!
      Here you are Riccardo:


    Steve Shark sez: "Yes, all good here after a series of unlinked and benign events which all resulted in me not blogging - and then rather enjoying not blogging!

    I'm sure I'll get back to it, but it's nice to step back from the online existence.

    Hope all is good with you, Babs and all the rest of the castaways!"

    That's a relief.

  33. Thanks for everything, Farq (including making it one more for my baby). I do hope it wasn't all just a psy-op.

    1. Fanny, you're a swell 4/5g©, and yes, of course it was a pop-psy-op-drop.

  34. All right folks, I 've finally gone and done it. I've been kicking the idea of doing my own music blog around for a very long time now. Then started to stow away music for that blog, and stowed, and stowed. Yet never went and actually did it, probably some weird stage fright. Now that Farq's island will become a little less busy, I figure it's now or never to propose to some of the four or five guys (and gals) around here another place to drop by. Not that this can or will or tries to imitate this place, which is entirely inimitable, anyway, in the best sense of the term.

    So, if you've got room and time for one more blog, welcome to One Buck Records.

    1. If you don't mind a little technical advice:
      - Tag all the songs you want to appear on the "album" with the album title, and credit the album to "various artists", leaving each song credited to the artist.
      - Gather all the songs on that album together in one folder, name the folder, compress the folder, and upload that compressed file (zip or rar) to the file host. Then, downloaders will be able to import the songs as an album, rather than individual songs as an "archive" which will need tagging and organising.

    2. One Buck, I'm bookmarking yer blog, and look forward to obscurities and such to add to my collection of tuneage scure and obscure. Unfortunately, tho, I won't be able to comment since doing so requires using Google, and I don't do third party stuff, if avoidable. But know yer being checked regularly and (hopefully) enjoyed!
      C in California

    3. All feedback, technical or otherwise, is welcome. I had some trouble to get workupload to add folders, but I'll look into that. For right now, I left the "album artists" section empty, but I don't know what kind of results that gives when you download. All tracks should group together around the common album name, though...

      C in Cali, you can't comment as "Anonymous"? Will have to look into that to change the settings (which were and are 'Google factory settings') if possible. (I know the whole Google sign-in stuff is annoying...).

      As you've seen, I didn't try to reinvent the wheel, more or less taking a template that recalls this place, for better orientation of novices, mainly me! I will see how to tweak some stuff (posts with names showing up in the archives bar with a foldable structure and such),but hey, everything is brand new. Hopefully I'll get that place in the shape I want it to in a couple of days.

    4. You don't upload a folder. You put all the mp3 files into a folder, then compress the folder into a zip or rar file, and upload that. You cannot just slide a folder into the "upload" window, it won't be accepted.

      In your blogger dashboard, find settings in the menu at left. Scroll down to comments and choose "anyone" under who can comment.

    5. Thanks for the tips, Farq.

      C In Cali, I opened up the comments to all users, so if ever the desire should arise to comment, you can now do so as "anonymous" (though, as here, preferably with your nick so I know who is who...)

    6. One Buck, thanks for making it available to we who wish to encourage but eschew going thru too many hoops to do so. I must say, I really like the idea behind your blog, as I have specialties in my collection (KBD early punk/wave, bluebeat/rocksteady, pre-70s R & B, 80s college) that favor the one-offs and obscuros as much as the big hits. I didn't recognize a single name on 'All Pearls', so I'm hoping for some discoveries when I get to it!
      C in California

  35. Stones! Sensational! They get everything right here:

    1. I'm looping this video as we speak. What an UP!!!!!! You'll get the very small minority of sneering joyless fucks going through the familiar litany:
      - "Stones only good with Brian Jones/Mick Taylor/Charlie Watts"
      - "Stones by numbers - almost self-parody"
      but the overall reaction seems to be YEE-HAWWWWWWW!!!! THE STONES ARE BACK!!!!!

      Twelve songs on the album, eleven in the can. That'll make a few million people feel fantastic, maybe some for the first time. Old is the new young.

    2. Anger sounds pretty good, credit where credit is due!

    3. Rock critics (whom are to music, what Dr. Seuss is to medicine) will call 'Hackney Diamonds', the Stone's best album since......

    4. ... and that'll be based on a quick scan of "Greatest Stones Albums Ever!!" lists, and influenced by the general trend (which will be positive). Critics seeking to establish themselves as independent free-thinkers unswayed by their peers will give it qualified praise (much more credible than "shit album"):

      "Stones only really great with Brian Jones/Mick Taylor/Charlie Watts"
      "Stones by numbers - almost self-parody"
      "Phoned in/lazy/generic"
      ... and vincentsear's valuable additions to the list:
      "slick production"
      "vocals enhanced by Autotune/AI"

      But these critics will give the album patronising praise for being made by old men. "Life in the old boys yet!"

      And there'll be a few batshit crazy reviews along the lines of "do we really need another album of "rock music" from a bunch of creepy misogynist billionaire old white men?"

    5. As far as creepy misogynist billionaire old white men go, they're my favorites.

    6. ... and the answer to that question is: "like never before".

  36. Just something random to share for the day...

    We have a few Allman Brothers Band fans on the IoF, particularly of the Duane and Dickey combination. So this might be a bit interesting if you didn't know it and don't have it already.

    Shortly before the Brothers And Sisters album, the band's first two albums were re-released as a two-record package called "Beginnings". There were no new songs included. It was simply a repackaging of the first two records.

    Or so it might seem. Due to a scheduling conflict, recording engineer Tom Dowd wasn't available for the sessions when the first album was recorded. The band was never happy with the mix. So for the re-release, they had Dowd go back and redo the mixing and mastering of the first record. The version on "Beginnings" was the new mix done by Dowd.

    So it's the band's preferred version of their debut. If you don't have Beginnings already, here it is:

    1. Can confirm - Beginnings mix is the best. That was one of those strange double vinyl releases that shuffled the sides so they'd play through on yer autochanger with just one flip. Very odd!

    2. See what you think of the audio on this unofficial version of ‘Beginnings’

      This is the long out of print version of Mobile Fidelity’s release of ‘At Fillmore East’

      This is an excellent stereo soundboard “Boot” of the very first live recording of ABB recorded just four days after their official foundation, at The Jacksonville Beach Armory, FL on March 30, 1969

    3. The Mickboy mix for the first S/T album is a surprisingly big improvement. The bass tends to be boomy, so I flattened out the EQ up to 250hz, and gently bell-curved over to a flat treble @16khz to boost the mids. Hoffman, here I come! I adjust the graphic equaliser (in "Boom") for everything I listen to.

      But here's a weirdness - I compared his remix of Idlewild to both Beginnings and the original, and it's better, but nothing like as good as the Deluxe Edition (I think 2015), which has some nice extra cuts. If there was a similar edition of the first album, I don't have it.
      Idlewild South Deluxe Edish:

    4. Almost forgot this one, ‘Allman Brothers Band – Fillmore East 2/70’. This is an ultra-rare and long out of print incredible recording made by Owsley Stanley, and released on the Dead's own ‘Grateful Dead Records’ record label.

    5. ... and here's the most excellent Live At Ludlow Garage, which was (probably) part of the Deluxe Idlewild package (but I have filed as a standalone album):

    6. Babs - the Fillmore 2/70 is the Bear's Sonic Journals release, right? It is wunderbar.

    7. Right, just on different labels.

      Speaking of 'Idlewild South', here are some outtakes.

    8. While we’re on an Allman Brothers roll, here’s what we mathematicians refer to as a “shitload” of 9 CDs covering 1969 to 1979. These are the Capricorn Classics Japanese remasters, that were released on CD in a mini LP format, and they sound sweet. When I need to scratch the Allman Brothers itch, theses are the studio CDs I usually play.!ZJH4ZwR2AJZjLzD4ZzHmAwN1AmRmMR9QoRb2G1EyMRkOrQt5ZN==
      PW: Babs

    9. On behalf of sentient carbon-based life forms everywhere, I thank you.

    10. ... and incidentally, I measured your upload using the Foam-O-Meter™, and it comes in at 2.35 shitloads.

    11. SUNY 1971. This one's important because it has Duane playing on an early rendition of Blue Sky.

    12. March 2009 at the Beacon in New York, with Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks as the guitarists. What makes this show unusual is that Clapton joins them for the second set, playing some of the songs that Duane had played in recording the Derek And The Dominos album.

    13. That SUNY show is excellent.

      ‘Fishin’ For A Good Time’
      The Warehouse, New Orleans, LA
      March 20, 1971

      Speaking of The Beacon Theater
      The Allman Brother Band with Guests
      ‘Tune In To Hep C Benefit’
      July 27, 2011
      The guests are, Natalie Cole, Bill Evans (no not that one, the sax player), David Crosby, Graham Nash, Phil Lesh, Billy Gibbons and me Babs. If you listen carefully, you can hear me clapping and woo-hooing, as I was in attendance.

    14. That' a whole lotta southern rock in one helping, bubba!
      *spits chewing tobacco in a rusted can in the corner*

    15. That SUNY show is amayyyyyzzzzing! And to my shame, the first time I've heard it. That loooong solo on Blue Sky is Mistah Betts, yes?

    16. Back when the Allmans were playing regular gigs at The Warehouse in NO, they would also perform a free show at a local public park, Audubon. Somewhere out in the interwebs there's a copy of one of those shows floating around (area where they performed was referred to as The Fly). Ultimately, due to complaints from the uppercrust that live around the park, the cops started to show up and busted anyone with illegal substances. How I know that is not up for discussion.

    17. Thanx for the Deluxe Idlewild! Best version I ever heard! And the SUNY, too...

    18. BTW---Do any of you fine folks have Brothers & Sisters (deluxe or plain)? I seem to have misplaced mine. And... I take my drugs seriously, too.

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. Here's the 2014 MFSL remaster of Brothers and Sisters:

      I seriously take drugs too

    21. Much thanks MrDave, but what was the question? Damn them drugs...

    22. This one isn't the Allman Brothers Band. It's their kids - Gregg's son Devon, Dickey's son Duane, and Berry Oakley's son Berry, plus other musicians to round out the group.

      And it's a damn good album.

      A bit of irony is that when they recorded their first album, the studio sessions were a rush job - just like when their fathers recorded their own first album. That one is okay, but for this one - their second album - they took their time and got it right.

      They can't help but sound a bit like their dads' band, as that's what they grew up in. But they do branch out here and find their own voices.

      One song deserving a bit more explanation: "The Doctor's Daughter" is Berry's vocal debut. He grew up in the L.A. area rather than as part of the Macon Mafia. In his high school years, he was really close friends with Dr. John's daughter Jessica, who died young.

    23. The are the Dino, Desi and Billy of Southern rock.

  37. SWELL ARTWORK for the One More Ride album RIGHT HERE!

    (with preview already!)

    1. A vast improvement! I've updated my digital version.

      Do you like the cover of ‘Fishin’ For A Good Time’? To me, it has that classic bootleg vibe to it.

  38. I digitized the Allman Brothers Super Groups In Concert show; link is at

  39. Let's see...also Westwood One Superstars In Concert #89-26

  40. A real left-field favorite of mine:
    Playing this as we speak. Never fails to give me a buzz.

    1. There's a legacy pmac comment to that piece, suitable for framing or wrapping fish.

    2. Babs, I hadn't read that before. I'm sorry that this is such a hard day for you. The beginning of that day for me was almost identical to yours, but my office tower was 200 miles away in Boston and all of the trauma was at a distance.

    3. Babs; Sorry to say I had completely missed your piece, shame on me, because it is very powerful, really conveys the sheer horror of 9/11...

    4. I see now that not only had I already read Bab's piece, I had commented on it at the time. Uhhh........

    5. So sorry for what you experienced. Memory can be a mixed blessing.

    6. Thanks for all the kind words. Th' Four Or Five Guys, are the best!

  41. Ornette Coleman - Tomorrow Is The Question. Impossibly lively, active music. Play it while you're getting a meal, or doing your laundry. If you who flinch from free jazz, as I do, thinking you should like it more than you actually can, set aside your worries. This is harmonic, before he got harmolodic on our asses.

    1. ‘Tomorrow Is The Question’ belongs in every Jazz collection.

      “Play it while you're getting a meal, or doing your laundry.”
      Sage advice.

      Here’s one of my favorites by Ornette: ‘The Complete Science Fiction Sessions’. One of the many highlights is the song ‘All My Life’ with vocals by Asha Puthli, which sounds like it was a hit single, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way. Another highlight is Charlie Haden’s Bass.

      Speaking of Charlie Haden (but not ‘Free Jazz), here’s ‘The Montreal Tapes’. Charlie is leading a trio with Joe Henderson and Al Foster, at the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal on June 30, 1989. If you’re a Joe Henderson fan, you will be delighted.

  42. For fans of Bossa-Nova, here’s Bebel Gilberto’s new one, ‘João’, which is a tribute to her father João Gilberto, whom besides being Bebel’s father, was also one of the founding fathers of Bossa-Nova. She should have released this on Father’s Day.

    My favorite of Bebel’s is: ‘Tanto Tempo’

  43. Love that new Bebel lp. The Montreal Tapes is one of my desert island discs.

  44. Hey Babs! Thank you for all the great music - just what I needed during the rainy season, which is pretty damn sodden this year. The house smells of wet dog.

    Here's a couple of swell jazzbeaux waxings - a Japanese comp (with typically nutsoid cover) of Miles' [Davis' - Ed.] in '58, and Monk's [Thelonious's - Ed.] unnecessarily obscure 5 By 5 from '59. Who had a record player back then? We didn't.

    1. My pleasure!

      The Miles and Monk recordings are sweet.

      Here’s something to digest, during the rainy season.

      Freddie Hubbard - The Complete Blue Note & Impulse Studio Sessions
      This is a limited edition of 5000 copies from Mosaic Records, released in 2022. It’s 7 CDs that are remastered, 24 bit/192 hKz from the original master tapes, and are the best sounding versions available

      The albums in this set are:
      Open Sesame (1960)
      Goin’ Up Blue (1961)
      Hub Cap (1961)
      Ready For Freddie (1962)
      The Artistry Of Freddie Hubbard (1963)
      Hub-Tones (1963)
      Here To Stay (1976)
      The Body And The Soul (1964)
      Breaking Point (1964)
      Blue Spirits (1967)!ZGN1ZwR2AGxkZJSuA2L1AwuvL2EvAIIXEKuPrzWiDzgkGJSxBN==

      PW: Babs

    2. Ooooooffffff!!!!!!!!! I'm having these enhanced via my state-of-the-art wire recorder.

      A note about the Monk album - Take 2 of "Played Twice" is the one on the original release, so the concerned listener can safely delete the other two if played once is enough (as it is for any normal human being).

    3. A good friend was Bill Graham's head of accounting at the Filmore West. Freddie Hubbard was banned from the building except for performances and sound checks. Apparently there wasn't a human being that Hubbard wouldn't threaten, accost or in anyway try to embarrass or humiliate.

    4. Thanks for the hirez Hubbard, Babs! Those are some great albums! I had no idea he was such an ahole @pmac, always sad to find that out about so many great artists.

    5. "5 by Monk by 5" remains by favorite Monk album. I'd loaned my copy to a friend back in the early 60s and he returned it on the hottest day of the summer. We went to cool off by skinny dipping at the local rock quarry while the album warped itself into a pretzel. It took me 10 years to find a beat up but playable copy in Toronto. I bought the CD as soon at it was released. Charlie Rouse, man.

  45. SNORKY! At his request, here's a few live Kaleidoscope boots, plus a slew of stuff he didn't ax for but gets anyway. All the studio albums (including the dull Berenice), plus my impeccable Kolors curatorial initiative.

    (Incidentally, Snorky's doing the right thing - crawling thru the undergrowth here on th' IoF© and requesting re-ups of stuff he wants. You can do the same. Or not.)

    1. Yowzah! Thanx, and lots more than I need! I have the legit released stuff (The Epic recordings) but Kartoonistan/Scopes Collide , live stuff is new to me. I'll prolly ask for more re-ups too! ( sitarswami collections?)

  46. Earlier today, I was looking through my CDs for ‘Art Pepper + Eleven’, and came across Art Garfunkel’s ‘Watermark’; thought to myself, “I haven’t played this in years.”, gave it a spin, and was reminded how good this recording is. This is Art covering Jimmy Webb songs, plus a very nice version of Sam Cooke's '(What A) Wonderful World'. Paul Simon, James Taylor, Bob Dorough, Hugh McCracken, Paul Desmond and Jimmy Webb are all onboard this nicely crafted Pop album.

  47. I need to wrap up some tax forms (due tomorrow) and rebuild a computer (which houses a huge chunk of my music collection) over the weekend.

    But in the meantime, for anyone who somehow hasn't been subjected to it before, here's the "Dick's Picks Vol 8" version of the Grateful Dead's show at Harpur College, May 2, 1970.
